Thursday, December 4, 2008


........Treatment with urea or guanidine hydrochloride disrupts the non-covalent bonds........

Sasha..... You haven’t had your breakfast yet lady....!!! I heard my mom's voice from the kitchen. It was 8 o clock in the morning and my first university exam after joining msc.biotech course (it was gonna begin in two hours)...and I was still preparing!!! Sasha!!! Do you hear me???? Enough of studying…. Now close your books and get ready... again that was my mom and I yelled back as usual ...five minutes mom….Coming!!!

Two minutes later I closed my book still not satisfied with my preparation and slowly started getting ready. I was cursing myself for wasting time during holidays watching movies and hanging out!!!But frankly speaking when the hell have we utilized our holidays for studying??? We get satisfied only with last minute preparations!!! So rule that point out!!

There I go… I was running around my room picking up my hall ticket and then praying to god simultaneously gulping my breakfast and scanning the pages(he he he I am a multitasker :P)!!

The tension was at its peak. For some strange reason I knew my exam was going to be bad that day!! I felt as though I had just entered the first day of college and with a wink of an eye … the exams were sniggering at me!! Not fair…human beings spend 60% of their life writing exams … when will they get to enjoy life??? At least give me one good reason what are we going to do by knowing how many different structures the protein can form or why are we studying about the plant physiology when our physiology sucks big time with enough diseases and tensions???? All I could think about was that my ATP(adenosine tri phosphate-the energy provider in humans) was being used more than it was required for the moment because of the tension!!! Then I said aloud for the fiftieth time in that morning … come on Sash you can crack it!!! How many exams you have written… and I remembered Vadivelu’s dialogue… “evlovo pannitom idhu pannamatumma..risku na rusk sapudre madhiri!!!lol!!

As usual smiling I picked up my bag and headed to college. I was sitting in the millennium hall (so called …‘coz it doesn’t look as great as the name sounds….so cut your imagination here!!) and was making last minute discussions. Feeling a little confident hoping that everything would go well we started off to the exam hall…. Wishing all luck to my friends, I entered the hall and settled in my seat. Finally the long awaited moment had come!! I was sitting with all kind of dreams… I was hoping to score first mark in at least one paper and moreover biochemistry was my favourite subject (forget the curses which I was giving initially ;): P) …why not?? There are a lot of chances… and so I continued dreaming…until the question paper came and sat in my desk showing all its 32 teeth!!!!!!!!

A glance and a quick scan…….. My face became a deflated balloon… and turned into a red cheery!!! Gawd!!! What the hell was this question paper all about??? Am I writing a chemistry exam or a biochem exam??? It was like some 12th std chemistry paper!! Quick!! All my classmates needed ambulance… I could see tears welling up in every girl’s eye….. the boys were busy nodding a big NO NO to the question paper as though it had some life… their breathing was almost reduced to rasps!!!

It took almost some ten minutes for me to come to my senses!! Now the classroom looked like a prison to me… three hours with a vague question paper… all my dreams were shattered in seconds… broken into pieces that ran into a black hole!!! I took few deep breaths and gave a second read this time a bit more slowly… I decided to start of with one question which I knew perfectly and then put the sandwich method to use and started cracking the questions one by one by combining all my knowledge, straining every brain cell to wring its contents out!!

After three hours of battle I completed the paper and submitted!!! I came out of the exam hall … I thought my friends are gonna break down or something… but when I saw my friend Padma…………… I burst out laughing!! I was laughing hysterically… and she too joined the loll!! All that I was able to tell was “enna kodumma sir idhu!!” Soon rest of my gang joined and we were looking like a bunch of lunatics out of some asylum!!

The exam was over so why worry about it and have tension?? Chillax!! Have fun!!! If not this November next april: P!! enna seri dhaanne?????:P:P

[silent prayer: plzzz God let me pass in this paper…one last time ..plzzzz plzzzz!!!!]


suki said...

exam times are tough to cross...but once they are finished, it becomes a sweet memory for becomes even sweeter when such experiences are somewhere and possible to have done the right thing..and in a beautiful way...congrats...keep writing :)

Aurora said...


Anonymous said...

quite an amusing read.. seems ur tryst with madras university still continues.. but our exam experiences are hilarious as ever.. and dont worry ur silent prayer shall be answered :D :)

Karthik Padmanabhan said...

he he at last you hav learnt to laugh after university exams..good!!

Aurora said...

when have cried????? :P:P:P

ReBOrn said...


Unknown said...

i liked the phrase "if not this november ,next april"!!!

Aurora said...

thanks... ams :D

Naan matrum enathu....... said...

Keep writing more. Like u r emotional flow on exams. If you are able to write in tamil now and then , it will be very useful read your emotions directly with out any loss.
But Keep write more, your blogs gave me the inspiration to sign here. soon i will write in this electronic media. Thanks to you..........Keep Going.......Valthukkal

Naan matrum enathu....... said...

Why I told you write in tamil so that ordnary people like me also can enjoy yur creations. we are not good in english and this page3 medias.

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