Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Oblivion!!!-Part Two

I met Parkinson after the funeral and told him the details. We both came up with the idea of contacting my dad‘s personal secretary. It was 1pm in the afternoon when we dialed Steffi’s number. Parkinson asked the details of Jeff Parker. Steffi was glad to help us. She gave the required details. We came to know that Jeff was working under Mr. Gregory Thomas, one of the directors in the board. More confusion!!!
"What was Gregory’s motive?” I just turned and stared at Parkinson
He just replied “we will know soon!!” It was time for us to find out the history of Mr. Gregory Thomas!!

It was five in the evening when we reached my dad’s office. Parkinson had called Steffi and informed her that we would be coming there. She had made sure that no one was working at that time. We used the personnel elevator and reached my dad’s office. I was greeted by the fresh fragrance of flowers. On my dad’s desk was a family photo. I was smiling and was looking happy in it. I had no time for sentiments and started searching the files for share details of the company. My mom and dad were holding 51% of shares as they were the directors. Next in line was Mr. Gregory Thomas holding 42% of company shares. According to the records Gregory held only 30% of shares and that was 2 years back. In a span of two years he had bought our company shares from other directors and attained 42%. Now his motive was absolutely clear. It was a run for the director’s post of the Glasson Company!! After my parents death the shares would get transferred to my name. If I get married to Terry I can legally transfer all my shares to him. Everything became clear. Parkinson yelled, “Damn we have to find out Terry Isaac soon!! I looked directly into his eyes and asked “HOW??” Parkinson was pacing furiously in the office.

"Bruna, Jeff was not alone that night. He had come with one of his friends who should have kidnapped Terry. Now we need to find him"

He made a few calls and got the details of the second person. His name was Danny and he resided in 238th street, Bronx. It was a long drive.

Gregory Thomas was feeling irritated. “You fools; I shouldn’t have trusted you in the first place. You guys can’t keep track of a girl!! Now I need to know where Bruna is and what she is up to!! Keep trying and don’t report me until you find her out!”’ He slammed his phone down. Alec his lawyer was sitting in the couch and was having a drink.

"Relax Gregory we have the situation under control. I don’t think she can find out her sweet heart so soon"
Greg managed a sly smile.
"What’s your suggestion Alec? What if Bruna claims for the director’s post?? We need to act soon. She is capable of anything. I don’t want to underestimate that girl"

Alec stared into his wine glass for a while and then spoke slowly but confidently, “Greg tomorrow you are going to speak to the press. Tell them that you are going to take over Glasson Company as the director on Monday morning if Bruna Miller does not turn up because you have 42% of shares and you have the rights too!! I am sure she will not turn up because the police will arrest her for the murder and we need not worry about Terry as he is under our custody”
Both men laughed out loud and toasted “Long live the future director of the Glasson Company!!!”

On238th Street, Danny was coming out of his home. Parkinson had parked the car in the opposite shop and we were waiting for Danny to come out. It was 7pm when he came out of his home. He started his car. We started following him. He went straight to a bar named Jc Mac. We followed him inside. We sat in the table next to him. I was facing my back to him. I did not want him to recognize me. He was waiting for one his friends and when he arrived he ordered drinks. I was listening intently to their conversation as I thought it would be helpful to find Terry. When the other guy mentioned about Terry’s name, Danny quickly took him out to the backyard. It was time for us to move too. We followed them to the backyard. Both of them were involved in a deep conversation when Parkinson hit Danny. Since they did not expect the blow it took them seconds to recover. Within seconds Parkinson took the control of them. They tried running, but Park showed his revolver. Park again hit Danny on his face. His nose started bleeding. He did not understand who this man with the revolver was, until he saw me!! He gasped.

Where is Terry?? Where have you kept him??

Park hit them once again. Danny refused to open up and Park shot the other guy on his leg. He started yelling in pain. I could see terror and agony in Danny’s eyes!! He replied slowly that he had locked Terry in his farmhouse which is about 7km from this club. Park shoved the revolver in my hands and took both men and tied them in the back of our car. We started to the farm house. It took us twenty minutes to reach the place. It was dark. We took Danny along with us as the other guy was bleeding badly. We locked the car. Park pushed Danny forward and asked him to open the door and take us to Terry. Danny fumbled with the keys and opened the door and went straight to room upstairs and opened the door. Terry was lying unconscious. I fell down beside him and tried waking him up. He opened his eyes slowly and looked up at me. He hugged me and I felt warm. We cried. Suddenly there was a loud crash and Park fell down and hit his head. The other guy had escaped from the car and had a revolver in his hand. He caught my hair and slapped me hard. I was in pain. I did not want to lose Terry again. With all my strength I pushed the other guy. He tumbled and fell near the entrance. Park regained his balance and shot towards the other guy. He flew and fell near the banister. Danny tried escaping. Terry quickly caught him by his leg and he fell down. Park kicked him on his face and he fell unconscious. The other guy was dead. Park did not want to kill Danny before he got all the details we wanted. Park made a call to his office and requested an ambulance. It arrived within ten minutes. Terry and I stayed in the room upstairs with Danny who was in an unconscious state. I told Terry what had happened and how me and Park had found him. I am proud of you Bruna, Terry whispered in my ears. I embraced him.

Parkinson made sure that there was no one in the farm house other than us four and he came up to the room. We tied Danny’s hands and locked him in the back of our car and all of us left to Parkinson’s guest house. We locked Danny in the basement. All of us were tired and therefore we slept without any discussions. It was 9am when we all woke up. Park went down to check on Danny. When he came up he confirmed that the person we had to fight against was Gregory Thomas. I was submerged in my own thoughts when the news hit me like a bomb. I was shocked. Gregory was giving a live interview in CNN!!

“For the past 25 years Glasson Company has provided the best galvanizing solutions around the world. It will continue its works in the following years too. Mr. Miller was a strong and an able leader. None of us can replace him, but this Company urgently requires a person to take important decisions. Therefore since I hold 42% of this company shares I take the responsibility of running this Company as the next president. There will be an official event at eleven tomorrow where I would take up the post. The company would still be waiting for Ms. Bruna Miller till tomorrow morning as she is the natural heir of this Company. I promise to do justice to my job……………”

He had planned everything. He knew I would not come because the cops would arrest me for Jeff’s murder. Parkinson and Terry were staring at me. All three of us were speechless.
“Bruna we have to do something fast, time is too short, we have to stop him”
My heart was pumping hard, adrenaline was gushing!! I somehow had to stop Gregory from taking the post!! But how??? I would be caught for Jeffrey’s murder even before I reach the Company. I looked at Terry; he was busy thinking what to do. I stood up and went near him; I kneeled in front of him ….

"Mr. Terry Isaac do you mind marrying Ms. Bruna Miller and that too today???"


absiiii said...

Firstly congrats….. the 2nd part of the story shows signs of r88 things to come….. u have started using conversations to a gr8r extent…. This means u have matured as a writer…..goood going….. can’t wait for part 3

Apocalypse said...

nice work da!!...its gettin very interesting...waitin for part 3!!

Unknown said...


Karthik Padmanabhan said...

great going...keep moving on..waitin for part 3...

Unknown said...

growing up to be another "NANCY DREW"...keep moving dear!!excellent!!!

Unknown said...

too good.. here comes the thriller fan in you.. great going.. keep the interest sustained.. looking forward to the next part!!

Unknown said...

cool buddy...very impressive...waiting 4 part 3...continue....