Monday, June 23, 2008

The Oblivion!!! Part one

The sky was white. It had black stars. It was real I could see it. I saw colours that I couldn’t see!! What a pity! It was a dream!!
I was walking in the desert. It was hot. The sand pricked my feet. I did not stop. I was thirsty. No water. I was searching for something!!
I did not know what!! The sun became red, searing red, painful red.
My heart ached; I saw white light inside my head. I struggled. I heard thunder. Everything was spinning. I was standing on a black star. It was cold enough to freeze me. But I did not freeze!! I was looking at empty space. It was empty all over me. I was empty.
I wiped my eyes to see where I was. It was pitch black. I waited for my eyes to get adjusted to the darkness. It was cold. I knew I was not in my home. Home!! Did I have one?? I tried to remember what had happened. Nothing came to my head. I tried remembering my name. I had forgotten that too. I was a living vegetable!!! I felt that I had something in my hand, and I bought it near to take a close look. I was shocked. It was a knife. Its blade was glistening in the pale moonlight. Blood was dripping from it. Tears rolled down my cheeks. It was hot. Where was I?? I scanned the place around. It was full of trees swaying to the wind. It was a forest. The only source of light was the moon. Had I killed someone?? Why was I here??? My mind was full of questions!! Questions, for which I had no answer. I stood up. My legs were shaky. I was feeling hungry. I walked two steps forward only to stumble and fall down again. I gathered my balance and realized quickly that it was not a stone. It was a something else. I put my hand on it. It was cold. I got the strong smell of iron. It was blood. I shuddered. I had killed someone. Yes, killed brutally. But why?? I tried turning the corpse to catch a glimpse of the persons face. I tried remembering who he was and why I had killed him and why I was here at this hour?? Again, my mind was blank. I had to get out from there somehow. I put the knife away and I started walking in an unknown direction. My clothes were soiled with blood. I had to change. I did not want the cops to arrest me, until I knew who I was!! I was scared. I started crying. It would be strange if I ask somebody whether they knew me. They would laugh on my face. I stopped walking. I had to do something soon. Mere sobbing was not going to help me in any way. I took a deep breath. I decided that I needed new clothes and some food. I saw my watch. It was 11.30pm. I started walking.
I was walking for almost two hours, when I caught the glimpse of the road. I was happy. I ran with all my energy. I was on the road, thinking what to do next. I was in the highway. I saw lights coming from a house on the opposite side of the road. I walked towards it. At least I had some luck. I saw clothes hanging outside in the garden. The gate was small; I would be able to climb easily. But I was wondering whether the owner had a pet dog. I did not know whether god existed at that moment, but I whispered a prayer and climbed the gate. My feet touched the grass. I kept myself near the walls, and walked slowly. I reached the backyard. I selected a jean and a t shirt. The shirt was loose. But I had no complaints. I washed my face and changed my clothes. Then I went back the same way I entered. I was standing on the highway, thinking what to do next. A car sped past me. Next I saw a huge truck coming towards me. I waved my hand, it slowed down. The driver was an old man. I told him that I wanted a lift to the city. He did not know what a girl was doing in the highway at this hour. He told me to get inside. I sat beside him.
He asked me where I wanted to go. I gave the answer as city. The old man looked at me and gave a confused look. I managed a smile, because I did not know where I was and did not know whether a city existed after the highway. He told that the truck would stop in Abbey road to unload goods and he told me that it’s in New York City. I nodded my head as though I knew the place very well. I told him that I will get down there. He told me that he will reach the city at the break of the dawn. The rest of the journey went in silence. I slept!!
I woke up to find the first rays of the sun. I thanked the old man for his lift. I got down and started walking down the road.
The old man made sure that the girl was out of sight and then pulled a mobile out of his pocket and told “The girl reached the city, she is walking down Abbey road” and cut the call.
It was 6am. I saw a newspaper truck unloading the papers. I wanted one badly. May be there was some information about me. There was only one person who was unloading. So I went and offered a helping hand. The man was glad to accept. I helped him unload. After we completed I asked him whether he could just lend me one newspaper. He smiled and handed me a five dollar bill and gave me a newspaper too. I walked a little further and settled in a chair. I opened the newspaper and gave a quick glance. In the second page, there was news which interested me. The headlines read, “Millionaire John Miller and his wife die in a car accident”. I read further ……
“John Miller the owner of Glasson Company died in a car accident along with his wife Susan Miller. Their daughter Bruna Miller is reported to have left home yesterday evening with her fiancée Terry Isaac and there is no clue as of now where she is. The police are investigating the whereabouts of the family friend. The police also suspect a hand of murder on the Miller family. The reasons are not yet known.”
At the left hand side, below the article Miller’s family photo was there. I looked at the lean girl who was standing between the Millers. Is it me?? I walked slowly towards the blue sedan which was parked on my right, and saw my reflection on the tinted glass. It was the same face without a doubt!!!
How was I supposed to react??? Feel sad and start crying? Coz my parents had died!!! Feel petrified because I was all alone??? I didn’t know!!! There was totally no emotion in me. I felt void; I felt as though I did not belong to that place, I felt really far away from the real world!! Everything became a blur!!
I was running downhill with the cops behind me. I was searching for air. I was soaked in sweat. I saw them chasing me. I was still running. My feet took me wherever my soul could hide. I fell down from the mountain. Too high!!! It was dark. I was falling still. I knew my bones were going to crack in seconds. I imagined my skull breaking………. But instead I was on cold stand!! I was having a sunflower on my long brown hair. It was dancing like waves to the breeze. I was wearing a black dress which was flowing on the ground. The moon was so big. The stars were not there. I was walking. I saw him. He welcomed me. He was sitting in a calm and composed posture. How did I come here? I asked him. I got you, he replied calmly. I saw roses and sunflowers around me. I was feeling happy. He called me, and I turned towards him. He said “destruction is for goodness, not for everybody but to you!!” I did not understand. He pecked his hands on my cheeks and told, “You will understand, there is a long way to go!! This end will be your beginning!!”
I heard voices. I opened my eyes. I was surrounded by people. I had fainted!!! I stood up slowly. An old lady helped me up. She even offered me to take me home. I denied. She asked me to come home with her as it was near. I considered the idea and walked along with her. Her home was at the end of the alley. It was small and beautiful. She took me inside and offered me cookies, bread and milk. I hogged them like a wild boar…. “Who are you child, what were you doing near the car??” Her question made me speechless. I was in tears. I did not know what to answer. I told her that I had no one and my parents had died. She looked straight in my eyes and told me that if I wanted I can stay there, till I find a job for myself. I thanked her and told her I will be all right and thanked her for her food. It was time for me to leave. I thanked her again and left.
When the girl was out of sight, the old lady took her phone and told “the girl did not stay here, she left!!”
I was standing on the road now. I had to find out Terry Isaac. I prayed to god that he should not be the person who I had killed!! An idea clashed my mind. My dad is the owner of a multi million dollar company. So, all its developments would have been covered by the press. Therefore all I had to do was to check out the newspaper archives. So I asked a person on the road where was the library, and noted the directions and started my journey towards the library. I had a long day ahead of me.
I entered the library and reached the newspaper sections. I asked the librarian about articles on Glasson Company and Millers family. She just browsed thorough her database and returned with two huge folders. I grabbed the first one and started scanning for important details quickly. Within an hour I knew the details of the company and its shares. Then I got what I wanted. There was a picture in which I was holding the hand of a young and a handsome lad. I read the description. It said “Bruna Miller and her fiancée Terry Isaac sharing a light moment with their parents during their engagement”. I smiled and felt happy for the first time. Terry was alive. I had to find him out fast. I took a Xerox of the article and tucked the paper into my jeans pocket. Now once again I was standing on the road, thinking about my next move. I checked my watch, it was 4pm. Suddenly a thought struck me. I ran to the nearby newspaper shop and bought the evening newspaper. The front page had the news which I wanted. It read
“Man found murdered on Interstate 81. The person has been identified as Jeff parker aged 24. According to the NYPD investigation Jeff parker had last been seen in club volatile on Thursday night. According to sources, he had left along with Terry Isaac and Bruna Miller who the NYPD is already searching for. The mystery on Miller’s family case is deepening each day.
Jeff parker’s body has been handed over to his parents. The source used for murder has been identified as garden knife. Jeff parker’s funeral will take place on Saturday morning at 11am in St’Bartholomew’s church. Mr. Parkinson, senior detective of NYPD has been pressed in for investigating the case. The public are requested to call Mr. Parkinson if they see Terry Isaac or Bruna miller as it would be very useful for the further progress of the case”
Now I needed something to hide my face from the public!! I quickly made a note of the detective’s number. I had an intuition that I knew Parkinson. So I decided to call him. I took the five dollar bill which the man gave today morning and got it changed. I dialed Parkinson’s number. He picked up in the third ring. His voice was warm. Without beating around the bush I told him directly that I was Bruna Miller. There was silence on the other end. Suddenly there was a burst of emotion in his voice. He asked “Bruna where the hell are you, are you safe, why didn’t you contact me earlier? Your parents passed away in an accident? Did you read the newspaper? Where are you?” I was silent and then asked him “Parkinson, do you know me?” because I did not get a better question!! “Have you gone mad Bruna, what’s wrong with you? Your dad had helped me so much in my life. How the hell will I forget you and your parents?” I was in tears now. “Parkinson you need to believe me, please listen to what I have got to say…………” and I told him what had happened from yesterday night. I was crying and shaking completely. I was content. At last I had someone who I knew, who would help me!! Parkinson advised me to come to his office immediately. But I refused and told him that until I find the person behind all this I will not come out to the open world. He agreed and promised to help me. I told him what I had planned next. He agreed and also told me that he would arrange for money. I kept the phone and came out. For the first time in all these hours I was feeling secured. It was 7.30pm when I met Parkinson. We met near Qwicky’s café. We discussed about next day plans. We ordered our foods and ate and he gave me money for my survival. I embraced him before we parted. You will be all right Bruna, Parkinson told.
I stayed in Parkinson’s guest house for the night. I woke up at 8am. I had a quick breakfast and left to Wesley’s church. It was 10.30am when I reached there. Jeff’s father was standing in a corner. I went up to him. I was wearing a scarf on my head to keep myself under cover. His father’s eyes were red. I went and stood near him and whispered “Sorry for what has taken place. He is too young”. His father gave me a sad glance and told me that it was his fate. I was asking questions in all possible ways to get the details of Jeff’s work place. At last I made a breakthrough. I got shocked when I came to know that Jeff was working in my dad’s company!! Now the question was who he was working for inside the company. The game was getting tougher every minute!!


absiiii said...

A gr88 beginning….has the making of a good thriller….. am able to see marked improvements in your writing style…. Ur skills of captivating a reader has got sharper…. Looking forward for part 2… good luck

Karthik Padmanabhan said... abi had said..u r improving in each post...but ther are a few points u can improve on-- is too long..a suspense story shud always be short..coz it can keep de reader captivated...u hav written a lot of unnecessary lines..u knw which ones im talkin abt..those can be avoided as they only halt the flow of the story..

2.ther are a few grammatical nd typographical errors here and there..u can recognize them once u read thru it...

3.wen u r using direct speech, it s always gud if u start the sentence in a new paragraph...lik how i always aids in better reading visibility..

4.give separate paragraphs for different scenes..if u group them al together, it wil be quite confusing...

these things u can always improve as u write keep writin...lookin forward to part 2..


Unknown said...

hi da...
this stuff of yours is damn interesting!!!
me too eagerly waiting 4 part 2 ma
excellent talent!!!

Apocalypse said...

hey nice one!!...a bit big thou...neways it was interestin pa...

Unknown said...

it was so exciting,thrilling,u made me to think wat will happen next....good start...keep waiting 4 the next it soon....

Citizen said...

great work....

no words to comment abt ur work..

i thnk, both willams shld prepare a dictionary to get new words to tell abt ur work..

Unknown said...

good start! keep going,maintain the suspense althro' the story.
all the best miss aurora!