It was 2.00pm in the afternoon and the second week of my live production and I had already completed my target – 8 articles a day. I just opened another article just for the sake of it and was staring at it. My brain took a quick plunge into those days ………those pleasant days ….
I was smiling to myself as I was travelling back time to those childhood days where immaturity was at peak!!! I was this little girl who would just cry at the thought of losing my dear doggie to nature one day. But ultimately she died and I survived!!
I wouldn’t say that life has been a bed of roses for me!!! Well it never is for anyone for that matter!! My first challenge in my student days was to pass in my math paper in tenth board exams. GAWD it was a huge challenge for me and somehow I did it. I still think that it was a matter of sheer luck!!! And then the dream of achieving things overtook me!! I used to admire all those girls and guys who used to win so many awards and medals. They were achieving something which I was not!! If they could do it why can’t I???? I wanted to prove my existence and ultimately I did it. College life was nothing different. Every day was challenging and I had enjoyed every bit of it. My creativity was put to good use in those days. I had something to dream about and something to achieve. Every day was thought provoking. It was a rat race which was exhausting but still I had the zeal to face the next day.
But now everything had changed!! I landed in a job as soon as my college got over. First a BPO and then the health care industry in my own field. Again I did not suffer much like so many people to land in a job!!! God had been so good to me in that aspect. Now sitting in the 10th floor of the magnanimous office with only the hum of the air conditioner I am again wondering about life!! We work so hard in our college life so that we can settle in a good job and earn well and settle in life!!! I was happy that I settled in this job with a good pay. Well but now I am wondering whether I just wanted only this???
The silence in the office was as usual creeping upon me. In a few days I will forget how to smile and how to speak. Because it was all about your work, your targets to get your money!! Like zombies my team mates were just typing away the hoards of information that we were supposed to upload onto the database….. None of them bothered about the other!! I was just watching all the heads nodding in front of the computer screens with their own doubts!!! Their minds were like iron gates, no one can even get a glimpse of what is actually going on inside that. May be there were so many other people on that floor thinking what I was thinking at that time.
For all I know we are just being so self centered, bothered only about our life and dreams!! There are so many people and who don’t even know what happiness is!! Shouldn’t we make an attempt to change things around us to bring a smile on at least few people a day and put an end to the monotony in life??? ??? Don’t we have to achieve something that at least a small circle of people remember our name even after our death?? Don’t we have to leave our footprints behind in this universe for people to remember who we are???
These were the questions which were rolling into each brain cell of mine without an answer. My dream started at that moment again. I know it’s not going to end there. I will for sure make a difference. It’s not too far…. but it requires patience and I have it….
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
ohhh so Nice sasa gal..."nostalgia"This particular Blog i m rating 5 star --*****
Awesome narration :)good stuff:) keep goin...
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