The climate was good and I liked the wind hitting my face. I stopped in the petrol bunk to fill fuel for my bike. As my petrol tank was getting filled, my gaze fell on a little boy who was trying to impress a guy inside the car by cleaning the car mirror. He was wiping the glass frantically fixing his gaze on another car behind. Once his task was complete his eyes looked at the fellow inside with so much expectation. The guy dropped some coins to that little fellow. I caught a glint of happiness in his eyes. Then a huge smile spread across his face and he bounded to the next car and started his work again. As I started from that place I was wondering what is happiness exactly. To that little lad it was just the matter of earning those two rupees which kick started his day on a positive note.

I was moving along, negotiating the traffic, and observing the faces possessing long lost expressions. I was wondering what could exactly bring such an expression on their face. I saw a guy talking cheerfully on his cell phone. I could sense from his expressions that it was his girl on the line. The discussion was nothing extraordinary. He was just updating her about what he had done all morning, but then I could see a sparkling smile on his face. He was happy talking to her on that busy road. While there were people around me cursing the traffic congestion, this fellow was jubilant and thanking god for those few minutes of delay that enabled him to catch up with his girl.
On the other side of the road, a mother was pulling her two children to reach the school gate. She was in such a hurry to drop them and carry on with her work. As she left them near the gate the young girl pulled her mom down and planted a huge kiss on her cheek and scooted away quickly. The mother stood there smiling and waving her hands to her kids. For a moment I could see that she was not worried about anything in this world. I could realize that she would have felt the same while giving birth to her little ones and holding them in her shivering hands for the first time. A woman has two smiles that any angel might envy, the smile that accepts her lover before words were uttered, and the smile that lights on her baby, and assures it of eternal love.

Happiness takes various definitions with different people. For many it is just a momentary feeling. Once I remember a woman telling me that she had tears in her eyes when her husband gifted her with a wrist watch on her birthday. Well at first I dint understand why she had to cry because it was so natural for a husband to give a gift. She went on to explain that her partner has never gifted her with anything. Her husband did not know what love meant exactly. He was so involved in his business and he just treated her like a slave. But after so many years he had realized the worth of having a woman beside him and found a way to express his love. As she rightly said it was a moment to cherish for a lifetime. She told me that she wouldn’t mind even if he reverts back to his usual self as this was enough for her!!!

After the tiring day at work, I decided to hit the beach. I saw a group of young boys playing cricket on the road. The sun was scorching and there was the constant threat of policemen chasing them away, it just didn’t matter to them. The guy who was batting looked bony and puny and he was not even wearing a shirt. Well I could almost count his ribs. With so much of poverty behind I saw him enjoying every moment of play!! When the ball went for a six he was screaming his lungs out and laughing!! I wondered whether Sachin would give such a reaction!!! The little boy was swaying his broken bat in the air and was enjoying the momentary recognition from his team mates.

When I asked what happiness means to a couple of my friends, they all came up with one answer. It was the moment their guys proposed them!! I saw their eyes rolling to recollect that moment again. I could feel their excitement as they narrated the incident.
Well my question was different!!! These were all happiness that lasted for a moment. There are always events and incidents that lighten up our life at some point like a trekker reaching the peak of a mountain!! But is there anything that a person could do to attain happiness for a lifetime???
I am generally a greedy person who is never contented with momentary happiness. As I was walking on the beach, I was just wondering where to find so much of happiness. I picked up an ice cream and walked on, soon to be followed by a brown mongrel. I could see nothing but hunger in his eyes. The dog was in such a bad condition, and if it was a human being he would be admitted in hospital with two to 3 glucose bottles hanging from all sides. Even with such low dose of energy the dog was wagging its tail to a stranger. I had no choice but to donate that ice cream to the poor canine. I was astonished by the speed at which he gulped it down, then after a quick thank you to me he just left the place!! His behavior actually made me laugh. It was kinda cute and funny. As I walked further I dint feel bad for giving up my ice cream. I felt so good about it.
How many times have we waste our daily food??? When we are so angry on something we show that on the food we eat. For a moment please do think about those poor African kids who are in need of food!!! One look at their pictures and the next moment we will all be thanking god for giving us such blessed lives!!

There are so many beings on this earth that needs a helping hand. For example the boy who was wiping the glass of the car just to get his daily meal. What if we could sponsor his education? Of course money is the need of the moment. But if we could spend a minute to think a little about that poor boy’s future, his life will be transformed and his future would be blessed.
As I walked further I heard a grandpa explaining to his grandson.
If you want happiness for an hour- take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day- go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year- Inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime- Help someone else."
Well, that someone could be anyone. I had found the answers to last my lifetime!!!
(PS: This post is entirely dedicated to my virtual friend)