“Yes Ms. Bruna Isaac, I will!!”
The marriage was not filled with grace and grandeur, but rather with lots of love and affection. Park had arranged our marriage in Judson Memorial church. It was a small and a simple ceremony with Parkinson and Steffi as witness. We exchanged our rings and Terry kissed me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Terry embraced me and whispered “Everything will be all right dear……”
“I love you Terry”
After our marriage we left to meet an attorney in order to transfer my shares to Terry’s name. Steffi had made all arrangements before hand and the legal procedures went on smoothly. That night all of us dined merrily at Steffi’s home. We discussed our plans and then toasted for the president of Glasson Company
“Three cheers to Terry Isaac, the president of Glasson Company!!!”
I was spending a sleepless night. I was praying to god that everything should go well. I had vivid dreams which I did not remember when I woke up. It was 8am when I woke up. Park had made all the arrangements for Terry to reach the company safely. After a quick breakfast Terry started. The final battle started………!!
When Terry reached the Company he saw Steffi waiting for him at the parking lot. Parkinson was accompanying Terry with two more officers. They took the private elevator and reached the conference room. Gregory Thomas was beaming with joy until he saw Terry Isaac!!!
Park was quick to turn the attention of the media towards Terry. With an aura of confidence Terry faced the camera and spoke,
“Members of Glasson Company, I would first like to apologize for all the confusions. All our lives go through highs and lows. The Miller family was caught in one such a bad phase,but one thing is true- tough times do not last but tough people do!! My deepest condolences for Mrs. and Mr. Miller. For everybody’s information Mrs. Bruna Isaac is doing well.”
There was a murmur among the audience. He continued….
“Yes Bruna and I got married yesterday evening and she has transferred her shares officially in my name. As per the norms of the Company the person holding the highest percent of shares will become the president. So by all means I am ready to take over the post of the president of Glasson Company. Once I take over the post I would gladly answer your questions”
He looked at Gregory’s face. He was fuming. Terry submitted all the legal details to the lawyers and also gave a copy to Gregory. At 10.55am the lawyers confirmed that the details were perfect without any flaws and perfectly at eleven Terry Isaac took the oath as the new president of Glasson Company!! The game was not yet over!!
The reporters were all eager to shoot questions. Terry was ready for everything. Questions came like arrows….
Mr. Terry your wife Ms. Bruna is the prime suspect in Jeffrey’s murder. So where is she now? Is she afraid of coming out to the open world for the fear of getting arrested?
Bruna was arrested by Mr. Parkinson today morning at 9.30am in my residence. She has accepted that she committed the murder. The world will soon know for what she committed the murder for!!
So where Bruna was all these days and why was she hiding??
Bruna’s life was in danger. Contrary to the popular belief, Miller and his wife did not die in a car accident. It was all pre planned. The murderer wanted the entire family of Miller’s to die, but God had other plans. Soon you will know the details of that culprit. So Bruna had to keep herself safe from the eagles clutches…..
The questions continued and one hour had passed. Parkinson interrupted and told that he would update them soon and escorted Terry to his cabin.
“We have won the first battle against Gregory. Now we don’t have any evidence that it was Gregory who did all these. How are we supposed to prove??” Terry questioned.
Park and the two officers were silent. Suddenly Terry felt that something was wrong.
“Where is Steffi??” He asked.
They looked around, but no sign of her. The two officers ran outside immediately and started searching the floor. They did not find her. They came to know in a few seconds that even Gregory was missing. Suddenly there was a gun shot. It came from the direction of the elevator. The officers rushed near the elevator. Steffi was bleeding. Blood was dripping from her hand staining her white shirt. She was in pain. She was crying for help. She was clutching a CD pouch in her hand. Parkinson and the two officers rushed to her assistance. They took control of the two men who were behind Steffi. The game was over!!!
Everyone rose when Judge Jonathan entered the court. He settled in his seat and signaled for the case to start.
“Your honour, Mr. Gregory Thomas has been accused of committing the murder of Mr. John miller and Susan Miller. He has also been accused of kidnapping their daughter Ms. Bruna Isaac and also Mr. Terry Isaac. He had done all this to become the president of the Glasson Company. I would now request Mr. Parkinson, the chief investigating officer in this case to come to the stand.
“Mr. Parkinson, would you please share the details that you know about this case to the court”
“Yes sir, it’s my pleasure. Mr. Gregory Thomas held around 42% of shares in Glasson Company. Initially he was holding only 30% of shares but in a span of 2years he attained 42% shares. His main aim was to take over the Glasson Company. Therefore one day he requested Mr. John Miller, that he would like to take over the company as Ms. Bruna was too young. Mr. Miller did not approve this idea. The evidence for this conversation has been submitted to you in CD. So Mr. Gregory Thomas decided to kill Mrs. And Mr. Miller. He also sent two people to kidnap Terry Isaac and Bruna, because Bruna was the heir to the shares after their parents’ death. In an attempt to escape from the kidnapper Ms. Bruna Isaac killed Jeffrey with a knife. In the ensuing struggle Ms. Bruna got hurt and she lost her conscious and when she woke up she did not recognize herself. She was picked up by a truck driver who was appointed by Mr. Gregory. He had also appointed an old lady to make sure Bruna was under his custody. But Ms. Bruna was determined to move ahead and find out the culprit. Therefore she left the place and Mr. Gregory lost his control. Ms. Bruna contacted me for help. I kept her under my custody because bringing her out to the open world would be harmful for her life. With the help of Ms. Bruna we found out Terry Isaac and then they both married to prevent Mr. Gregory from taking up the post. The details of the shares and also the report of witnesses have been submitted to you, your honour”
Parkinson went on to explain what had happened in the Company and how he got hold of the CD and about Steffi. When he completed Gregory’s face was almost pale. He was sweating profusely. He had no other option other than accepting his mistake. He walked slowly towards the stand and stood silently.
Mr. Gregory Thomas, are you ready to accept the charges that are filed against you?
Now all the eyes were on Judge Jonathan, who was about to deliver the judgement.
“As Mr. Gregory Thomas committed the crime of killing Ms. and Mr. Miller the court orders him to serve two life imprisonment one each, for his two victims. The court also orders him to pay a penalty of $1,oooooo to Ms. Bruna Isaac for the physical and mental torture inflicted on her. Though Ms. Bruna Isaac has committed the murder, the court thoroughly understands that the murder was committed on grounds of self defense. Thereby I vindicate her of the crime with a fine of $50,000 which shall go to the Saint Abbey memorial trust for orphans. SO BE IT!!
I was standing in my father’s office. This place belonged to me. I sat in his chair and closed my eyes.
The grass was green; lush green. The sky was white like snow. I was standing alone. I was walking barefoot. The grass felt soft under my feet. I saw him. He welcomed me. This time I recognized him. I ran to him and hugged him.
“Father I won the battle”
“I am proud of you my child. I knew you would win. But this is just the beginning of a long journey. You have lot more battles to fight!! But this time I can’t lead you. You will be on your own child!!”
And he left my hand and walked away.
I woke up!! Tears were running down my cheeks. I walked over to the balcony. It started raining!! I looked over to the clouds and whispered……
“Let your soul rest in peace”
Journey continues…!!